The main full 127.8 mile, 15000' vertical gain route for the
Kingdom Graveleur 1.1 ride this coming Saturday is set and have been posted to the Google group. This will be the route for anyone really wanting to test themselves, their fitness and their resolve with a 1500' four mile long optional out and back climb staring you in the face at mile 110 or so.
I've also put together two other route options, one that cuts off a nine mile loop at mile 62 of the ride, out an unmaintained ClassIV road and also leaves off the out and back climb up to the East Mountain Radar Base which hits less than 20 miles from the finish. This route is 110 miles and about 13000' of gain.

There is also another more sane option that is 87 miles and finishes with just over 10000' of climb on the day. Still a beast by any stretch given that none of the routes have more than a few miles of paved surface all told. We all wanted gravel so here we have it. This route also makes is way back through East Burke by civilization and a number of stores as well as the Tiki Bar, on far less remote roads. If the day isn't going as well as you had hoped or if an eight plus hour ride is enough, then this is the route for you.
If you are still considering the ride, please get on the Google list as that is the only way that you will get the actual ride details and routes.
Remember, the Kingdom Graveleur 1.1 Ride is a self led, self paced, self supported ride. You need to be, must be, responsible for yourself as there will be nobody to help you and certainly nobody to rescue you. The tcx route files are posted and you will be required to navigate from them or from maps or cue sheets that you obtain. There will be no signs, arrows or marking and all roads are public and fully open to all traffic. Be careful.
This is not a race, it is simply a ride, though I think that there will be plenty of competition to be had against oneself and the terrain. No doubt, this will be challenging regardless of which way you go and will test both you and your equipment.