Monday, June 7, 2021

The KG4.0a Routes

 OK, here are the overall route descriptions for the KG4.0a. We will have three ride length options centered around the base route, which will be ~85 miles long. There will be various extra credit sections adding another 15 miles to the base route and bringing climbing up over 11,000' of vertical in the ~100 miles. There will also be a shorter route, that will bypass sections of the base route and being making a ~70 mile route.

The route design will hopefully make for numerous sections of rider overlap between the various groups, which makes it feel more like we are all riding together. This has worked well in the past couple of iterations and will hopefully work well again this time.

Additionally, there are multiple stores along the route to replenish fluid and nutrition. As always, the event is un-lead, un-supported and un-marked. Navigation and support are up to you. This means technical support as well so prepare for everything.

KG4.0a Route Preview

After much consideration, recon and planning I've got a set of routes together for the KG4.0a. Here is a sneak peak at the KG4.0a extra credit route. I'd considered going remote again this year but between the challenges for lack of support which have been exacerbated by the loss this past year, some of the only remote stores near the potential route coupled with the fact that we have all spent the past year in isolation, I decided to stick to some more chosen paths. 

This affords us the luxury of passing by multiple stores where one can restock on fluid and nutrition. It also allows us to once again plan the main rest stop around my aunt and uncle's Top of the Mountain Vegetable Farm + Bakery in Walden. I've also planned the route choices, of which we have three of varying length, so that we should have lots of overlap throughout the day. The routes will be roughly 70, 85 and 100 miles in length. Climbing of course will be stout, above 100' of gain per mile. But it is VT afterall.

As always, we have to limit the number of participants for this event due to a lack of parking at the start. We'll be getting a registration sheet with contact info as well as an event waiver together this week. I highly recommend an RSVP as soon as possible if you are planning to come. As always, we also have limited space available at our place, the start and finish, for folks who would like to stay. Additionally, there are spots available in which to tent.

More info coming shortly.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

KG 4.0a

We are confirmed. The Kingdom Graveleur KG4.0a gravel epic will be held in person on Saturday June 26, 2021 from the Kingdom Graveleur Gravel Camp in South Kirby, VT. As always, there will be one base route used with an additional route that has extra credit sections to add some distance and likely, elevation. The base route will be about 85 miles with the extra credit sections bringing the bonus loop to about 100 miles. Expect over 10,000' of elevation gain for the bonus loop all told.

Additionally, we will be making a true weekend of it and are planning a Sunday June 27, 2021 ClassIV and Mixed Trail Ride as well that will be more suited for a monster or MTB.

More info to follow in the coming days and weeks. As always, this event is grassroots, free and unsupported. Space however, is limited as we have a very finite amount of parking available.

More info as well as contact details can be found at the Kingdom Graveleur Facebook Page.