Friday, June 29, 2018

Kingdom Graveleur KG2.0 Adventure Ride

What can I say, it far exceeded all of my hopes and expectations in terms of being just an incredible day on and off the bike.
The route worked out very well and was super challenging while still leaving some room for enjoyment. The vistas were fantastic and the weather by and large was just about perfect. Not too warm, not too cool, not too sunny and not much rain, though admittedly, a bit of everything.
The overall atmosphere and attitude among the entire group seemed beyond upbeat and positive all through the day. The extra credit offshoot sections allowed the full group to stay close together through the day and overlap multiple times. In the end we all finished within about a half hour of each other as well.
The number of smiles I see in the photos despite the amount of suffering that everyone went through at points in the day tells the story. Couple that with the decibel level and exuberance at the after party and I think it is safe to say that we scored. The day did for me anyhow. One of the best ever on a bike.
Oh, and the hot setup at mile 103 was an ice cream chocolate chip cookie sandwich and a Coke. It got me back home. The pulled pork afterwards didn't hurt either.
Thanks to all who came and made this much fun. We are already working on a fresh new route exploring some fun new areas for KG3.0. In the meantime there will be rides going from gravel camp all through the summer. Hit us up if you would like to join in. The planned date is June 23, 2019. 
Get in the van!