What can I say? It was pretty much the perfect day. The day that you literally wish would never end. That is how the Kingdom Graveleur KG3.0 ride played out this year. Absolutely perfect day of weather, a challenging variety of routes that kept the groups close together and overlapping while providing incredible vistas for everyone.
In going back through the images that Cathy and I took throughout the day, the one thing that strikes me the most is the number of images that show folks taking in the views, appreciating the ride, stopping to take pictures. This is what the KG is meant to be, this was what we hoped for. A ride, not a race, an adventure or even an expedition. We got lucky and I think that we nailed it this time.
The ride was incredible with climbs, views, a fantastic stop at the ever gracious Top of the Mountain Vegetable Farm followed by fun and food prepared by Cathy and my Mom. An incredible day that lasted later into the evening than any of us completely exhausted folk ever thought that it would.
Many, many thanks to all those who attended, who brought food and drink and supplies to share. To those who helped setup and cleanup and made the day and the event the best one ever.
Truly a memory that will last a very long time.
And thank you all for supporting a reincarnation of how playing bikes used to be. Taking it back to what I hope to be the future of non-competitive cycling events, showing that you don't need to pay a fortune to see the sights and experience the love of the ride, with others.
Now to start work of the routes for the KG4. I love this part.